You are here because you received a doTERRA package from me to experience the power of using essential oils to enhance HORMONAL SUPPORT.
I normally give 1-2 samples, but for this area, I wanted to give you an experience of 3 different blends that work on different pathways for hormonal support.
The Clary Calm blend is one that you can use daily, massaging into the uterine area. I have diluted this in a little coconut oil so you can apply the sample for about 10 days. You may want to wait until you experience the most hormonal disruption, as this is when it shines.
Whisper blend is another one you can use daily on your pulse points, instead of fragrance! (fragrance disrupts hormones)
And the Deep Blue massage is a total pleasure when you feel any type of cramp or back pain, especially during ovulation or menstruation.

Although I apply this essential oil blend externally, it absorbs into the bloodstream within 30 seconds and services every cell in the body within 30 minutes, so it's really more of an internal solution.
Clary Calm is a blend of Clary Sage, Lavender, Bergamot, Roman Chamomile, Cedarwood, Ylang Ylang, Geranium, Fennel, Carrot, Palmarosa, and Vitex essential oils. It's designed to help women balance hormones (and their resulting monthly worries), and it comes in a twist-on bottle, so it's easy to apply with one swipe every morning and night.
This blend is designed to deliver a calming and calming effect over the course of a woman's menstrual cycle, and while it's epic around the time of the moon for painful cramps, it's also the oil for releasing heightened emotions. ClaryCalm is the perfect companion in times of discomfort and extra need. I have diluted this sample with a little coconut oil for you, as you will only be using this oil topically on the uterine area.

This oil smells like sleep. What makes it so magical? Interact with each woman's body chemistry by making the scent of this incredible blend your own!
Sometimes it smells warm + musky, and other times it smells sweet + powdery. You will find that the scent changes slightly as you go through the different weeks of your cycle!
This blend contains bergamot, ylang ylang, patchouli, vanilla, jasmine, cinnamon, vetiver, sandalwood, cocoa, and rose. Supports hormonal balance, libido, confidence, creativity, and self-expression. This will create a beautiful non-toxic pure smoke to apply daily to pulse points and a clever change from the fragrance that is known to disrupt hormones.

Clary sage oil, a key oil in the Clary Calm blend, had a statistically significant effect on lowering cortisol and also had an antidepressant effect in this study:PubMed
• Preclinical research suggests that inhaling Roman Chamomile essential oil reduces depressive-like behaviour. You will find Roman Chamomile in Clary Calm:PubMed
• Why Bergamot is in both Clary Calm + Whisper oil blends:dōTERRA Science
• This clinical trial found that inhaling rose essential oil for 5 minutes twice daily one week prior to menstruation reduces physical, emotional, and social symptoms associated with PMS. Rose is found in the Whisper blend:PubMed
• doTERRA Deep Blue® Study:dōTERRA Science
Usage Instructions:
To create your own distinct and personal fragrance, apply Whisper essential oil to your wrists, back of neck, and pulse points. The specific placement of the oil will help accentuate your individual scent.
Whisper can be used on clothing too. To scent your clothes with the soft, floral aroma of Whisper, and to experience calming emotions throughout the day, dispense one to two drops of Whisper in the palm of your hand and rub it on clothing, scarves, and coats.
Combine one to two drops of Whisper with doTERRA Hand and Body Lotion for a moisturizing and aromatic application.
Diffuse or add to clay pendants for a unique aromatic experience.
For an ideal evening scent, place three to four drops of Whisper essential oil blend into the diffuser of your choice and diffuse at night.
Apply to the abdomen during menstruation, you can start 1-2 days before you expect your cycle to begin
Apply a drop of ClaryCalm to your hand, rub the palms together and inhale the scent of ClaryCalm for 30 seconds or more when you need to center your emotions and regain composure.
When you start feeling flushed or warm, apply ClaryCalm topically to the skin for a cooling, soothing effect.
A few drops to your diffuser when you feel that your emotions are particularly intensified or sensitive.
ClaryCalm is also supportive after childbirth, to help the body regulate and support the contraction of the uterus.
Deep Blue Rub:
Massage Deep Blue Rub into crampy areas
Brilliant for lower back pain while experiencing period cramps
Apply after a workout for muscle aches and pains
Slept the wrong way? Massage into your neck.
arthritis? Tendinitis? Massage relief into the areas of your body where you feel pain.
This is how I maintain myself during my own cycle:
The main thing: use organic cotton tampons or. You don't want to use/insert anything that pumps harmful chemicals into your bloodstream.
For pain, I will take 1 copaiba soft gel and 1 turmeric capsule morning + night the first 2 days of my period. Topically, I roll Deep Blue oil (or rubbing cream) down my lower back. This deep blue color mix will never again make you doubt the power of nature!
I roll the bottle of Clary Calm on my lower tummy and pulse points 2 times a day. Incredible support for women/hormones.
Throughout the week, I notice how much my body is drawn to feminine oils like Clary Sage, Geranium, and Ylang Ylang… So I'm diffusing them or adding a few drops to my bath. When you go out, try massaging a few drops of Slim + Sassy with coconut oil on your tummy (feels amazing)
Daily I eat my pure smokes: I alternate between the Whisper blend, Immortelle, or a blend of jasmine, rose, and sandalwood.
Resources: My favorite way to track my cycle is through this app calledFLO.
And some books I loved about exploring the beauty of our cycle:Wild PowerYThe Woman Code